Saturday, August 18, 2007

Update 08-18-07

It's a sad, but yet exciting weekend. Calvin people are going to be leaving really soon, so Sarah will be hosting a goodbye to Calvin people party on Sunday starting at 3 PM. I hope to see you all there!

BTW, Wes and I are on a KTLH hiatus because we're going on so many trips and my retreat is all next week and stuff. So yeah. I will be heading off to Vegas next weekend as well!

ANOTHER EXCITING UPDATE!!! CDs and voice recordings are a thing of the past. I will soon be purchasing a camcorder, so basically, all KTLH updates will be VIDEO and BROADCASTED ON YOUTUBE. They will be posted here periodically. So now Wes and I will definitely be taking advantage of iMovie instead of Garageband. Anticipate those. =)

Well, the prayer requests are updated. Don't forget to keep praying for each other.

- Dan

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