Thursday, October 11, 2007

Being a Christian in College

It's really no joke. There's so much crap around you that it's really difficult to profess your faith.

I've been dealing with a lot of issues around here. Obviously in this sort of liberal environment, there are a lot of acceptances and tolerance is the "thing". For example, this week was devoted to coming out of the closet and discussing homosexuality and finally "breaking free". I'm not exactly the dogmatic guy who goes around protesting everything I find offensive and putting down those who don't adhere to Scripture. I feel myself not feeling right about it...but what would be the right thing to do?

I am holding a level head and continuing to keep good judgment. I haven't been to any parties, fallen to the temptation of drugs and drinking, nor have I become a sex demon of sorts.

A lot of my faith shows in the way I speak about certain things. Tonight, for example, I spoke heavily against drinking and smoking. I think people got the idea that I'm definitely not into that nor am I exactly very tolerant of it.

They know I'm Presbyterian.

I hope I'm livin' it.

- Dan


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Podcasts to Video Blogging

Yup, you've heard right. KTLH has moved on from podcasting to video blogging. From now on, all KTLH broadcasts will be on video and posted on here (hosted by

I will be moving on to college now and maybe I'll do a few solo video blogs, but for the most part, I will be doing video blogs with Wes when I go back home on weekends.

Just watch out for that!

- Dan

Thursday, August 30, 2007

KTLH UPDATE 08-29-07

(You'll need iTunes to listen to it. Click "DOWNLOAD NOW" towards the bottom of the page and skip the ads and it should start automatically, enjoy!)



- Dan

p.s. Prayer requests updated.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Be Prepared

Get ready for the next KTLH recording. It is coming up and it is going to be good. I can't tell you the topic yet because it is a surprise! Dan and I are working on getting a video blog type thing instead of just sound. So get ready for KTLH comin' back at ya!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Update 08-18-07

It's a sad, but yet exciting weekend. Calvin people are going to be leaving really soon, so Sarah will be hosting a goodbye to Calvin people party on Sunday starting at 3 PM. I hope to see you all there!

BTW, Wes and I are on a KTLH hiatus because we're going on so many trips and my retreat is all next week and stuff. So yeah. I will be heading off to Vegas next weekend as well!

ANOTHER EXCITING UPDATE!!! CDs and voice recordings are a thing of the past. I will soon be purchasing a camcorder, so basically, all KTLH updates will be VIDEO and BROADCASTED ON YOUTUBE. They will be posted here periodically. So now Wes and I will definitely be taking advantage of iMovie instead of Garageband. Anticipate those. =)

Well, the prayer requests are updated. Don't forget to keep praying for each other.

- Dan

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Wes needs to come back.

Then we can actually do something! I'm hoping the next episode will involve Shiloh telling all about her South Africa trip.

- Dan

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Update 08-07-07

Here I am, listening to Pokemon. You guys may think the Pokemon soundtrack is incredibly stupid and lame, but there's a lot of great songs about friendship in here. The Pikachu song is incredibly sad and almost brought a tear to my eye. It's not even about Pikachu, it's about saying goodbye to friends, which is very relevant to our lives. Thank you Pikachu.

But anyways, I know we've been really bad with podcast updates, but there has been a lot going on. We're prepping to play the ASSASSIN game and well, let's just say that today was totally spent prepping for that game. Wes, Kristen, and I went to Toys r us and Home depot to buy Kris' gun and some springs. Then we modded it lightly and had a little practice by shooting each other for a few hours.

Check the prayer requests, they're updated.

Pray especially for Jillian! She's the first one to go off into the "college world" and hopefully she adjusts well and most importantly, keeps God prominent in her life.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Great News

Wes and I finally defeated the Lord of the Death Hand. His massive armies were finally vanquished after 19 long weeks (in game time) of battles and glory.

In other news, I think it's about due time for Wes and I to have a KTLH podcast discussion. If anyone is interested in being in the podcast, please do contact either me or Wes!

I hope everyone's spiritual lives are well and healthy. I'm always available to talk if there is even a slight deviation from satisfaction in people's lives. =)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Refocused (KTLH)

The retreat was a fabulous success and it couldn't have happened with Sarah and Wes, so make sure you thank them profusely. Sarah for her cabin and her effort to make this happen and Wes for his heart and vision for this. Thanks to all who cooked and washed dishes and just helped around as often as they could. It's all very much so appreciated.

I saw the love that we have for each other and how much we care for each other. And you know what...I myself finally found what true friends that I have, even though I've been disappointed with some.

Expect an episode about this trip soon.


Friday, July 13, 2007


Yesterday, Wes, Kristen, Sarah, and I went to the Joyce Meyer conference featuring Hillsong. It was a lot of fun. It was also a very spiritually-filling time. I don't know about you guys, but one of my favorite ways to show God my thanks and my praise is through music. Music has always been a great outlet for me and I just love showing emotion through melodies and rhythms. When a talented band like Hillsong leads worship, the lyrics and music just soak into me and I feel the my heart speaking those words to the One on high.

Just continue praying for our upcoming cabin trip. We depart tomorrow.

- Dan
p.s. Watch out for an upcoming KTLH episode!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

College Cabin Trip Retreat (July 14th to July 17th)

So I hope most of you already know about this trip. If not, then contact me immediately. I tried to reach as many people as possible.

Basically, the original intent of this cabin trip is to get together some sort of Bible study together because most of us wanted to start something like that. But, with our complicated schedules, and conflicting times, it just never worked out. Well, here it is, our opportunity.

Well, most of it has been planned out and we have made flyers (if you want one, again, contact me immediately). We've done well to let parents know what this is all about.

For the others who are already confirmed to go:

Bring the essentials: BIBLE.

That is really it, anything else optional, but you should probably bring toiletries and clothes and stuff.

Wes and I will be leading praise. Wes will do the official speaking for Sunday morning and I for Sunday night. I have already thought of what I wanted to share with you guys and it'll be about the community of believers and the power of God that comes through that.

If anyone else wants to share anything, testimonies, something they learned, a profound epiphany, then they are DEFINITELY welcome to do so.

Thanks for making this happen you guys. Love you all!

- Dan

HARRY POTTER PARTY GOING ON THIS WHOLE WEEK. Call either Dan or Sarah for info!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Episode #2: Kristen in Hawaii

The 2nd episode was recorded at Wes' house on the 4th of July. It was all about Kristen's trip to Hawaii, some side jokes, some stories, and more uplifting music (safe for the whole family...kinda like the FISH eh? But BETTER!).

If you want a copy via CD or online, contact us right away either through commenting or phone calling or emailing.

I love you all!


P.S. Prayer request column updated. If you have something to pray for or praise for, then by all means, let us know!

P.P.S. You can be a member of this blog too if you wish.

Monday, July 2, 2007


We picked this title because this is what we want to show and be to the world.

A lot of times we find ourselves always forgetting the fact that we know the truth and we don't spread it., and we are the light of the world like Christ, but we don't shine it out, and we have the heart of God, but we don't share it.

Our statement of "Truth. Light. Heart." is our statement of starting a Revolution to change the attitudes and ways of thinking of the Christians around us to be eternally minded and not carnally minded.

Just another encouragement and insight for you guys. This is what we believe and are going to live out. Keep us accountable with this please.

This is "Truth. Light. Heart." straight up!

Wesman out

First Podcast Radio show!!!

We have recorded our first podcast radio show. It is an interview with Wes Hiemstra about his experiences in Europe and how he's spread God's love and Word.

We will be distributing these cds when we hang out and stuff. If you want a cd, then feel free to comment us or contact me or Wes in some way. You either know our phone numbers, or our emails are as follows:


The cds have different sections of interviews about different parts of his trip and some uplifting music.

Track Listing:

1. Introduction
2. I’m Asking Her to Stay –Sherwood
3. Arrival to Berlin
4. The Best Thing – Relient K
5. Berlin
6. Suspension – Mae
7. Stuttgart
8. Solution – Hillsong
9. Luxembourg & Belgium
10. Point of Difference – Hillsong
11. Holland
12. Gone – Switchfoot
13. Conclusion
14. Give Until There’s Nothing Left – Relient K
15. Learning to Breathe - Switchfoot

Well, we'll hopefully be updating weekly during the summer and breaks and monthly during the school year.

Hope to hear some feedback soon!

- Dan

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Beginning

I want to use this blog to track my spiritual life.

I want to recount my childhood days, my early Christian faith, and how I've grown over high school.

hopefully, I update during college to let you all know how I'm doing. This is a way to keep me accountable and to look back on my growth one day.

- Dan