Saturday, July 28, 2007

Great News

Wes and I finally defeated the Lord of the Death Hand. His massive armies were finally vanquished after 19 long weeks (in game time) of battles and glory.

In other news, I think it's about due time for Wes and I to have a KTLH podcast discussion. If anyone is interested in being in the podcast, please do contact either me or Wes!

I hope everyone's spiritual lives are well and healthy. I'm always available to talk if there is even a slight deviation from satisfaction in people's lives. =)


Cory said...

I'm up to it if you guys have room for some one like me to voice my opinions on your thingamujig. Just let me know what is going down.

Padfoot240 said...

This post contradicts what your post says Dan!

You need to put the podcast up into the Itunes podcast library.

Jillian said...